Privacy Policy

1. Introduction:, a website and service that helps Amazon sellers optimize their product listings for improved visibility and performance. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users and ensuring their data is handled responsibly.

2. Information We Collect:

We collect two types of information from our users:

  • Email Address: Used for account creation, communication, and sending important updates about
  • Amazon Seller Central Access: We require access to your Seller Central account to analyze and optimize your product listings. However, we do not access any personal information within your account. We solely focus on product data and listing information relevant to optimization.

3. How We Use Your Information:

We use your email address to:

  • Create and manage your account.
  • Send you important updates and notifications about our service.
  • We use your Amazon Seller Central access to:
  • Analyze your product listings and identify optimization opportunities.
  • Generate recommendations and suggestions to improve your listing visibility and performance on the Amazon marketplace. We do not use your Seller Central data for any other purposes, including marketing, advertising, or sharing with third parties.

4. Sharing Your Information:

We do not share any user data with third parties for marketing, advertising, or any other commercial purposes. Your information is used solely for providing and improving services.

5. Data Security:

We take your data security seriously and employ appropriate measures to protect user information, including secure data storage and access controls.

6. User Rights:

You have the right to:

  • Access and review your email address associated with your account.
  • Revoke access to your Amazon Seller Central account from at any time.

7. Contact Us:

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at